
  • Jeremy Carnall - Conductor

    Jeremy Carnall is music director of Dorset Opera Festival and guest conductor with Opera Leipzig and the Gewandhaus Orchestra. He was born in Norwich and studied cello at the Royal Northern College of music gaining the Diane Bolton prize and Conducting at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague. Since 2003 he has held positions throughout Europe first as assistant conductor with the National touring opera company of Holland and then as resident conductor with the Theater in St Gallen, Switzerland. Over a 5 year period he conducted concerts, ballet and opera performances. In 2013 he was appointed resident conductor with Opera Leipzig and conducted the world famous Gewandhaus orchestra on a weekly basis in opera and ballet performances. His success led to his creation and arrangement of music for a new ballet called Othello which received high critical acclaim. Since 2007 he has been music director of the Dorset Opera Festival. This annual two week summer school provides singers with the opportunity to perform two full opera productions and take part in masterclasses and workshops with international opera stars. As a guest conductor he has appeared with Scottish Opera, The Netherlands Philharmonic, The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra and the Anhalt Philharmonic in Dessau. Jeremy has recently returned to the UK and is working as an educator, lecturer, cellist and conductor. He had recently formed a weekly youth chamber orchestra for talented musicians in North Yorkshire and an adult string group which he leads from the cello. In his spare time Jeremy is a passionate angler and still loves to follow Norwich City football club.

  • Yiannis Daoutis - Conductor

    Originally from Snape, Suffolk, Yannis headed North in 2012 and studied at Leeds College of Music obtaining a degree in Classical Music, in 2015, specialising in Clarinet and Conducting. Whilst a student, Yannis received the College Prize for Woodwind (2013) and along with the Trio "Les Trois Vents" was runner up of the LUUMS Chamber Music Competition (2015). During his time, he served as founding Musical Director of the LCoMSU Camerata and Chorus. Yannis returned to Snape in 2013 to assist Robin Ticciati in a residency with the Britten-Pears Orchestra and cellist, Miklos Pereyni. He was invited to attend the Progetto Musica 2018 at the Foundazione Spinola Banna per L'Arte in Turin, Italy, supporting the ensemble mdi and Fillipo Perocco working on two new compositions in conjunction with the composer Unsuk Chin. Having settled in Leeds over the past ten years, Yannis has held a number of positions in the region including; staff conductor for Leeds College of Music, Chorus Director with the Leeds International Festival Orchestra, Musical Director of the Orchestra of Leeds Cathedral, Musical Director for the White Rose Orchestra, associate conductor for Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra, conductor for York Youth Orchestra, conductor for Leeds Summer Orchestra and as assistant conductor under Ben Crick and the English National Philharmonic Orchestra.

  • Chloe Fletcher - Leader

    Chloe Fletcher (Violin) Studied at the Guildhall School of Music before graduating from the Junior Strings Project at the Royal Northern College of Music and Manchester Metropolitan University. She has performed widely as a soloist in concertos by Bruch, Mendelssohn and Bach. Chloe is an avid orchestral musician and plays with the Amici Ensemble and the Mowbray orchestra. Plus, she is the founder member of the Dales Ensemble, with who she performs regularly. As well as a busy freelance career, Chloe has a varied educational role, including instrumental tuition and classroom music. Chloe is very much enjoying the role leading the Harrogate Philharmonic Orchestra since September.