Players Page

Details of next concert:

October 12th 2024 @ St Mark’s Church, Harrogate 7:30pm

October 13th 2024 @ Easingwold Parish Church 3:00 (tbc)

Rehearsal Schedule:

Please check this page regularly for updates and changes.

Rehearsals take place on 6 consecutive Friday’s before the concert date at Friend’s Meeting House, Queen Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5PP.

7:15 - 9:30pm

Sept 6th: Respighi and Bizet

Sept 13th:

Sept 20th:

Sept 27th:

Oct 4th:

Oct 11th : St Mark’s Church from 7pm

Oct12th: St Mark’s Church Rehearsal 2-4:30pm, Concert 7:30pm

Oct 13th: Easingwold Parish Church from 1:30

Programme and orchestrations:

Respighi - La Pentola Magica : 2122 2200 t p hp

Mozart - Arias - 1+1 2 2 2 2200 p

Bizet - Carmen Suite (selection) - 2222 2200 t p

Orchestration key: Flutes/Picc Oboes/Cor Clarinets/BC Bassoons/Contra : Horns Trumpets Trombone Tuba : Harp Timps Perc + strings unless stated
Therefore: 2202:2200 = 2Fl, 2Ob, no Cl, 2Bsn 2Hns 2Tr no trombones or tuba

Future concerts and provisional programmes:

Further ideas for programmes are always welcome!

February 8th 2025

- Beethoven Violin Concerto (soloist : Richard Fletcher)

- Graener - Divertimento

- Florence Price - Suite of Dances
July 12th 2025
October 11th 2025

October 12th 2025 - afternoon (tbc)

February 21st 2026 (note this is later than usual)

July 11th 2026

October 10th 2026

October 11th 2026 - afternoon (tbc)

Information for players…